Thursday, July 30, 2009

Yet another...

Yet another big name breach -- or is it?
Yet another PCI compliant provider breached -- or was it?
Yet another reason PCI compliance needs an overhaul -- or does it?

On July 27th, it was learned that Network Solutions was breached and 574,000'ish customer records were possibly compromised. Network Solutions supplies payment services, among other things, to thousands of small merchants and is a big name. The full details of the breach, the how's and why's are not yet known as the investigations are still ongoing (and may never be known by the public, but that's another story). The fact Network Solutions was breached does not really surprise me because I know there is no such thing as absolute 100% security and the next breach is just waiting for a name to be associated with it.

Big name?

What caught my eye here was how Network Solution informed the consumers. In an effort to comply with the tangled mess of privacy reporting laws, Network Solutions contracted TransUnion to notify the end-user consumers or cardholders. But instead of saying "we're Network Solutions, we take security seriously but unfortunately...", they sent a letter opening with "TransUnion is contacting you at the request of XYZ Merchant..." where "XYZ Merchant" was a merchant that Network Solution was providing payment services for. To me, this is pure slime intended to protect Network Solutions' brand name at the expense of the merchants they serve. The merchant did not have to be mentioned at all, Network Solutions was breached, not the merchant.
I stand corrected. My original ire was based on feedback from affected merchants about the Network Solutions notification letter sent by TransUnion. Reading the complaints, I got the impression that Network Solutions was hiding their brand name behind that of the merchants. After the original blog posting, Evan Schuman (from StorefrontBacktalk) linked me the proposed notification that the merchants were discussing. In the notification, Network Solutions was clearly taking the blame so as the famous Saturday Night Live line goes -- ...never mind.


Who really cares? According to Visa, "no PCI compliant organization has ever been breached." So it's fait accompli that Network Solutions was not PCI compliant. To me, this means one thing: PCI compliance is not truly attainable.

I never can seem to harp on this enough: Focus on security as PCI compliance is a myth. Reduce your risk profile to reduce the chance of a breach. If you are harder to breach than the guy next door, chances are your name will not be associated with the next breach and compliance will never come into play (after all, if you are breached, it will be determined that you were not compliant).

PCI Overhaul?

PCI is a great list of best practices and it should be used as just that, best practices. The card brands should stop trying to use a list of best practices as definition of black or white, secure or insecure, compliant or non-compliant. Since security is never 100%, Visa's quote highlights the biggest flaw: equating compliance to security.

Since the card brands have essentially stated that only non-compliant companies are breached, I think the whole "compliance" factor should be removed. Instead, simply state, "companies that are breached and found to be not taking prudent steps to secure the data or negligent, will be fined." The PCI Best Practices can be used when deciding prudent or negligent. But I don't expect to see anything simple like this anytime soon. After all, there is too much money to be made by the card brands and banks if they stay focused on compliance.

StorefrontBacktalk: Network Solutions Data Breach Hits 574,000 Consumers
CNET: Network Solutions Breached For 574,000 E-Commerce Account Records

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