It's been a while since my last post. I hope to start posting somewhat regularly again in the near future. It's been a madhouse around here as we have been building a new data center from scratch; new hardware, more hardware, new O/S, more memory, new software, new, new, more, more, better-stronger-faster everything, etc., etc. In the last few weeks we've been migrating various services and customers to it; throw in our annual PCI audit and presto -- no time. You'll hear more about this entire project in the next few weeks. For now, suffice it to say it's been a busy time.
Over the years I have posted on several forums my belief that no operating system is inherently secure simply because it is not Windows. Many anti-Windows zealots tout that Linux or Mac or whatever is much more secure based on the number of reported hacks and vulnerabilities: "Hey, simply look at the number to prove my point." And this argument always has a reference to some vulnerability report showing Windows (some big number), their O/S of choice (some little number). I always point out a very similar report showing market share: Windows (some big number), their O/S of choice (some little number). My argument is that hackers go to where the money is -- the market leader.
Well an interesting read that just came out the other day: Coming soon to a Mac near you -- serious malware. When I read this article I had to check back to the author a few times to make sure it was not me as an alias. Give it a read if you have some time.
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